Exploring Local Legends, Traditions, and Memory in Education: Beyond Dracula

This 6-day Erasmus course offers participants a unique opportunity to explore Romania’s folklore, myths, and traditions, focusing on how these stories can enhance education. Through museum visits, cultural landmarks, and interactive activities, participants will learn to integrate local legends into teaching, promoting inclusion, cultural diversity, and critical thinking.

Course Objectives: Understand the educational value of Romanian folklore and traditions.

Learn to use local legends and historical narratives to engage students.

Foster cultural memory and community cohesion through education.

Design educational activities using myths and traditions to promote diversity.

Reflect on the role of myths in shaping societal values and identities.

Learning Outcomes: Integrate local legends into teaching and learning.

Design storytelling-based activities to teach history, geography, and social studies.

Use local traditions to promote cultural inclusion and respect.

Encourage critical thinking and reflection through local stories.

Create engaging learning experiences using folklore to explore Romanian culture.This is the second FAQ answer.

Learning Methods: Interactive lectures on the role of folklore in education.

Visits to museums, cultural centers, and Bran Castle.

Workshops on integrating folklore into educational activities.

Storytelling and experiential learning based on local myths.

Target Group: Teachers (primary to high school), adult educators, youth workers, museum educators, and cultural heritage professionals.

This is the fourth FAQ answer.

Preparation: Pre-course questionnaire to assess experience and knowledge.

Familiarize with a local legend or tradition to share.

Pre-read materials on folklore and cultural memory.

Course Program (6 Days)

Day 1: Welcome dinner, course introduction, and ice-breaking activities.
Day 2: Introduction to Romanian folklore, museum visit, and workshop.
Day 3: Visit to Bran Castle, storytelling workshop.
Day 4: Cultural center visit, discussion on myths shaping identity.
Day 5: Workshop on integrating folklore in education, visit to local traditions.
Day 6: Group project presentations, final evaluation.

Evaluation and Certification

Continuous assessment through participation and group work.

Final project design based on local folklore.

Certificate of Completion (Erasmus+) and Europass Mobility Certificate.